Why join a small group?

Joining a small group is important for spiritual formation because it provides a supportive community where individuals can engage in practices that help shape their spiritual lives. In these groups, individuals can actively participate with God and others, fostering closeness with God and experiencing true freedom and fullness. Small groups offer a space for practicing disciplines like solitude, silence, prayer, fasting, worship, study, fellowship, and confession, which are essential for spiritual growth and transformation.

Being part of a small group allows individuals to learn from one another, share experiences, and encourage one another in their spiritual journeys. It provides a structured environment where members can engage in intentional practices that lead to Christlikeness. Through regular meetings, discussions, and shared activities, small groups offer a space for individuals to deepen their relationship with God and others, moving beyond mere religious activities to a more profound discipleship to Jesus Christ.

In small groups, individuals can receive guidance, support, and accountability in their spiritual formation efforts. By participating in these groups, individuals can cultivate a community that exemplifies obedience to Christ, fostering unity and mutual growth. Small groups provide a context where the vision, intention, and method of spiritual formation can be shared, practiced, and internalized, leading to a transformative experience that aligns individuals with the teachings and commands of Jesus Christ.

As iron sharpens iron, so one

person sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

Join a small group today

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